Shimla: The State Cabinet meeting held here today under the Chairmanship of Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur decided to recommend the Governor to convene the Winter Session of H.P. Vidhan Sabha from 9th December to 14 December, 2019 at Dharamshala in Kangra district. It will have six sittings.
- The Cabinet also decided to organize State level function on completion of two years tenure of the present State Government at The Ridge Shimla on 27th December, 2019. Ground breaking ceremony for starting various projects on which MoUs have been signed, would be held on same day at Peterhoff, Shimla.
- The Cabinet gave its approval to make passing of middle or matriculation from the schools situated in Himachal Pradesh for recruitment in Class-IV posts whereas for Class-III posts passing of matriculation and 10+2 from the schools/institutions situated in State will also be mandatory.
- In order to ensure transparency, accuracy and efficiency in the payment and accounting process for works transactions and to eliminate delay in pairing of payment and receipt instruments, the Cabinet decided to bring the transactions works of Forest Department under treasury mode throughout the State.
- The Cabinet gave its nod to notify Mukhya Mantri Dastkar Sahayta Yojna for providing 75 percent grant to Himachal artisans living below poverty line on purchase of new equipments worth Rs.30,000.
- The Cabinet gave its approval to open new Fire Sub Station in Bangana of Una district alongwith creation and filling up of 23 posts of different categories and purchase of three new vehicles for the Station for its proper functioning.
- It decided to request the Government of India to upgrade Rajiv Gandhi Government Post Graduate Ayurvedic College, Paprola, district Kangra to All India Institute of Ayurveda for providing specialized ayurvedic health services to the people of the State.
- The Cabinet gave its nod to fill up 200 posts of Ayurvedic pharmacists in ayurveda department on contact basis out of which 103 posts will be filled up through direct recruitment and 97 posts on batchwise basis.
- It also gave its approval to request government of India for setting up of All India Institute of Homoeopathy in government sector in the State.
- It also approved opening of Ayurvedic health Centres at Chhaparahan and Delag (Kateru) in Nachan assembly constituency of Mandi district along-with creation and filling up of six posts of different categories to man these centres.
- It also decided to fill up three posts of homoeopathic medical officers in ayurveda department on contract basis.
- The Cabinet gave its approval to Himachal Pradesh Miscellaneous Adventurous Activities Draft Rule, 2019 for ensuring safety of the tourists involved in various adventurous activities.
- It also gave its consent to Water Sports and Allied Activities Draft Rules, 2019 for encouraging water sports activities in the State.
- The Cabinet gave its approval to revise the norms for fixing the outlay of catchment area treatment plan in respect of hydro electric projects in the State from existing 2.5 percent to 1.5 percent of the total project cost of all the hydro electric projects having capacity above 10 MW.
- It also decided to create and fill up one post Junior Scale Stenographer on contract basis through direct recruitment, two posts of Junior Office Assistant (IT) and two posts of Peon on contract basis in the office of Advocate General, Himachal Pradesh.
- The Cabinet also gave its nod to create and fill up four posts of different categories in newly opened Additional District and Session Judge Court, Sundernagar, district Mandi for smooth functioning of the Court.
- It gave its consent to open Sub Tehsil at Sulah in district Kangra alongwith creation and filling up of seven posts of different categories to run the Sub Tehsil.
- The Cabinet decided to approve the medium term sale of Government of Himachal Pradesh’s share of free power entitlement of 65.8 MW in Chamera-I Hydro Electric Project to Noida Power Company Limited through Arunachal Pradesh Power Corporation Pvt. Limited for a period of 13 months @ Rs. 4.02 per kWh. It also approved a trading margin of Rs. 0.04 per kWh to Arunachal Pradesh Power Corporation Pvt. Limited for the period of agreement.
- The Cabinet gave its approval to upgrade Government Middle School, Seru to Government High School and Government High School Galoo to Government Senior Secondary School in Mandi district and Government High School, Chowki Mrigwal in Sirmaur district to Government Senior Secondary School alongwith creation of requisite staff.
- The Cabinet decided to open Zonal Veterinary Hospital at Barnoh in Kutlehar Vidhan Sabha area of Una district alongwith creation and filling up of 11 posts of different categories.
- It also decided to upgrade Veterinary Dispensary at Jahu in Bhoranj area of Hamirpur district to Veterinary Hospital alongwith creation and filling up of requisite posts.
- The Cabinet also decided to enact Himachal Pradesh Gauvansh Sanrakshan and Samvardhan Act, 2018 from 1st December,2019 to ensure better care of the Gauvansh besides approving Himachal Pradesh Gaujatya Prajanan Vidhiyak, 2019 for the preservation and protection of indigenous cows.
- The Cabinet decided to provide the annuity (Baar) amount as many times to the winners of gallantry and distinguished award winners for each time he/she has won the particular award.
- It also decided to enhance the financial assistance being given under Ex-servicemen Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Special Fund to ex-servicemen/widows of soldiers/dependents who were not getting any pension.